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At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.

At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.
At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.
At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.
1682 New Castle County, Delaware
1682 New Castle County, Delaware
Land warrant issued for 300 acres to Thomas Woolloston called Bishop's castle, west of the Delaware River, north of a branch of Christina Creek called White Clay Creek along Broer's Run. Neighbor to Broer Sennexon.
Found at: Film #007834354 Warrants & Surveys New Castle County, Wilmington, Delaware 1671-1769 p. 614 
1684 in New Castle County, Delaware
1684 in New Castle County, Delaware
Land warrant issued for 900 acres to Arnoldus de la Grange, neighbor of Broer Sinnexon
Found at: Film #007834354 Warrants & Surveys New Castle County, Wilmington, Delaware 1671-1769 p. 66 
1685 New Castle County, Delaware
1685 New Castle County, Delaware
Land Warrant for 260 acres to Gysbert Walraven called Safe Harbor on the north side of a branch of Christina Creek. Neighboring Broer Sennexon's land.
Found at: Film #007834354 Warrants & Surveys New Castle County, Wilmington, Delaware 1671-1769 p. 622 
1685 New Castle County, Delaware
1685 New Castle County, Delaware
Land warrant (continued) for 260 acres given to Gysbert Walraven called Safe Harbor on the north side of a branch of Christina Creek, neighor of Broer Sennexson.
Found at: Film #007834354 Warrants & Surveys New Castle County, Wilmington, Delaware 1671-1769 p. 623 
1693 Census of Swedes in Delaware from 1638-1693
1693 Census of Swedes in Delaware from 1638-1693
listed as #109 on p. 21 Broer Sinnexson (also listed as Boor Sinneke)  
1693 Swedish Census of Delaware
1693 Swedish Census of Delaware
by Peter Craig

Old William I Vardeman married Magdelena Petersson, daughter of Peter and Karin Petersson, who were part of the Swedish Congregation at Trinity Church.

William's sister, Jane Margarita Vardeman also married into the Swedish congregation when she married James Senexon, son of James and Dorcas Harmonson Sinnexson. 
At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.
At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.
1713-1799 Church Records Delaware, Wilmington
1713-1799 Church Records Delaware, Wilmington
The Records of Holy Trinity (Old Swedes) Church, Wilmington, Delaware
Early Church Records of New Castle County, Delaware Volume 2 Old Swedes Church Wilmington, DE 1713-1799
Henry Senexon pg 55 #06 04 May 1732
Isaac Senexon pg 79 #18 12 Aug 1744
James Senexon pg 53 #07 07 Feb 1731
James Senexon pg 64 #15 17 Apr 1736
John Senexon pg 62 #09 17 Feb 1734
Margret Senexon pg 88 #03 06 Jul 1746
Maria Vardeman pg 33 #12 01 Apr 1724
Morina Senexon pg 95 #11 26 Oct 1749

19 Mar 1738 page 72 #07 Susanna Senexon
13 Jun 1742 page 76 #22 Sara Senexon

13 Apr 1752 page105 #02 Sennecce Senexon 
At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.
At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.
1714-1730 Death, Marriage, and Birth Records Delaware, New Castle County, Wilmington
1714-1730 Death, Marriage, and Birth Records Delaware, New Castle County, Wilmington
Death of John Vardeman I (the immigrant), age 88
d. 17 March 1714

Groom: William Vardeman
Bride: Magdelena Petersson
m. 21 April 1720

Birth: Maria Vardeman 1724 (daughter of William & Magdelena Vardeman)

Groom: James Senexon
Bride: Jane Margarita Vardeman (William's sister)
m. 20 Jan 1730

Source: Personal Communications, In a letter of Jan. 19, 2002, Dr. Peter S. Craig discusses his opinions on the origins of the Vardeman family of New Castle County, Delaware. 
At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.
1718 October Land Record Delaware
1718 October Land Record Delaware
John Vardiman (Johannes Vardeman) bought 55 acres north of Black Bird's Creek from Benjamin Allmond

Source: New Castle County, Delaware, Land Records 1715-1728 by
Carol Garrett, Willow Bend Books, Westminster, MD, 1998. p. 130 
1720, 1724 & 1730 Marriage & Birth Records Delaware, New Castle County, Wilmington
1720, 1724 & 1730 Marriage & Birth Records Delaware, New Castle County, Wilmington
Groom: William Vardeman
Bride: Magdelena Petterson
m. 21 April 1720 (page 106, #4)

Maria Vardeman
b. 1 April 1724 (page 149 #12)

Groom: James Senexon
Bride: Jane Margarita Werdeman (Vardeman)
m. 20 Jan 1730 (page 211 #1)

The Vardeman family were married, took
communion, and baptized their children in this church under the ministry of Rev. Andrew and Rev. Samuel Hesselius.

Source: Christina Congregation’s Church Book from the year after Christ’s Birth, 1713 for the following time till 1756, Records of Communicants by Rev. Andrew Hesselius, 1717, Old Swedes Church, Wilmington, Delaware.  
1722 Marriage Record France
1722 Marriage Record France
#7 shows Jean Georges Goguel and wife Anne Catherine Potzkaur married on 5 May 1722
Received from Alain and Francoise Mathieu, friends of Billie Vardiman and retired educator from France 
1734 Land Record Virginia, Goochland County, William Vardeman I
1734 Land Record Virginia, Goochland County, William Vardeman I
Land Records, William Vardeman (William Vardeman I) granted 200 acres adjacent to the south side of the Rivana River, Goochland County, VA

Source: Colonial Albemarle The Social and Economic History of a Piedmont Virginia County 1727 – 1775, C. Watts, 1948, p.116
1734 Land Record Virginia, Goochland County, William Vardeman I
1734 Land Record Virginia, Goochland County, William Vardeman I
Land Records, William Vardeman (William Vardeman I) granted 200 acres
adjacent to the south side of the Rivana River, Goochland County, VA

Source: Virginia State Library, Land Office Patents and Grants, Patents No. 15 1732-1735, Vol. 1 & 2, page 296, New Land Form, p. 3.

Significance: William Vardeman lived near the Rivanna River near Shadwell, Virginia at the same time as Peter Jefferson, future President Thomas Jefferson's father. The Lewis and Clark families also lived in this area at the same time. The Vardemans moved away from the Rivanna River before Thomas Jefferson was born in 1743. Thomas Jefferson eventually built Monticello west of Shadwell, Virginia. If one goes to visit Monticello one can see where William Vardeman lived by finding the Club at Glenmore golf course then follow the trace of the Rivanna river south about 2 miles where Glenmore Back Fields and a pond is located. Go west of Rivanna River and that was William Vardeman's land in 1734. 
1734 Sep 27 Land Deed for 'Old' William Vardeman in Virginia
1734 Sep 27 Land Deed for "Old" William Vardeman in Virginia
Virginia Land Office LVA Reel 13 Patent 15 
1735 Birth Announcement of Anne Catherine Goguel 12 Nov 1735
1735 Birth Announcement of Anne Catherine Goguel 12 Nov 1735
Daughter of Jean-George Goguel and Catherine Potzkaur. Received from research done by Alain and Francoise Mathieu, friends of Billie Vardiman and retired educator from France, translated by Alexandra Oakley, a French friend of Michelle Vardiman Fansler. 
1735 Land Record Virginia, Goochland County William Vardeman I
1735 Land Record Virginia, Goochland County William Vardeman I
Land Records, William (W) Vordeman (William Vardeman I) of St. James
Parish, Goochland Co., VA, sells 200 acres for five shillings to Charles Cox.

Source: Goochland County, VA, Deed Book 2, p. 125. 
1735 Tax Record Virginia, Goochland County William Vardeman I
1735 Tax Record Virginia, Goochland County William Vardeman I
Tax Records, a list of Tithables for looking after the tobacco pickers by George Taylor, constable 1735.

2 (tithes) ……… William Vardeman (William Vardeman I)

Source: Goochland County, Virginia Tithe Lists 1735 – 47, Transcribed, indexed, & published by A. Jean Lurvey, 1979, p. 1.  
1739 Delaware land warrant / survey
1739 Delaware land warrant / survey
"Whereas Isaac Jenkins of the County of New Castle hath requested of us that we would be pleased to grant him a survey on two hundred acres of land situated on the head of Blackbird's Creek between a tract of land of Edward Fitzrandolph and a tract of John Vardeman's in Apoquinimy Hundred in this county for which he agrees to pay for our use from the date thereof the yearly quit rent of one penny sterling for every acre of the same and one whole year's rent on every ? nation....
given under my hand and the seal of our land office at Philadelphia this 15th day of June 1739.
To Benjamin Eastburn, Surveyor General
Tho. Penn"

Source: Film #007834354 Warrants & Surveys New Castle County, Wilmington, Delaware 1671-1769 
1740 Census Record Virginia, Goochland County, Verdeman
1740 Census Record Virginia, Goochland County, Verdeman
Census, William Vardeman (William Vardeman I) on List of Goochland
County tithables

Source: Virginia in 1740: a Reconstructed Census, T.L.C. Genealogy, 1992, p. 284 
1740 July 15 Road Orders Virginia, Goochland County William Vardeman
1740 July 15 Road Orders Virginia, Goochland County William Vardeman
1728-1744 Road Orders Virginia, Goochland County (all 94 pages)
"Road to be cleared"
1740 p. 39 and 1741 p. 41

Source: Historic Roads of Virginia Goochland County Road Orders 1728-1744, O.S., p. 494 by Nathaniel Mason Pawlett, Virginia Highway & Transportation Research Council, June 1975, p. 39, Goochland County Virginia, Order Book 4, page 494, July 15, 1740. 
1752 Lunenberg County, Virginia Tax/Tithables
1752 Lunenberg County, Virginia Tax/Tithables
William Vardeman paid taxes/tithable for 2 people - himself and son, Peter Vardeman who had reached age 16.

William Vardeman Jr. (older brother of Peter Vardeman) paid his own tithe/tax.
1758 April-May Military Records <i>Colonial Soldiers of the South</i>, 1732-1774, Murtie J. Clark, 1986. p. 499
1758 April-May Military Records Colonial Soldiers of the South, 1732-1774, Murtie J. Clark, 1986. p. 499
The proceedings of a Council of Officers held at Fort Loudoun
Colonel George Washington present, William Vardeman Sr. mentioned 
1758 May 9 Military Record Correspondence to George Washington
1758 May 9 Military Record Correspondence to George Washington
Timothy Dalton testimony regarding William Vardeman Sr's (William Vardeman I) involvement in the Indian raid of May 8, 1758 Bedford County, Virginia, Staunton River.

Source: George Washington Papers, Library of Congress 1744-1799, Series 4, General Correspondence

See Transcription next 
1758 May 9 Military Records Correspondence to George Washington
1758 May 9 Military Records Correspondence to George Washington
Timothy Dalton testimony regarding William Vardeman Sr.'s (William Vardeman I) involvement in the Indian raid of May 8, 1758 Bedford County, Virginia Staunton River.

Source: Transcription of George Washington Papers by David Vardiman 22 March 2020

See original document above 
1758 September Military Records <i>Virginia Colonial Militia</i>
1758 September Military Records Virginia Colonial Militia
1758 September Military Records To the Bedford County, VA Militia
1758 September Military Records To the Bedford County, VA Militia
Collection of all the Laws of Virginia 
1758 September Military Records To the Bedford County, VA Militia
1758 September Military Records To the Bedford County, VA Militia
Collection of all the Laws of Virginia 
1758 September Military Records To the Bedford County, VA Militia
1758 September Military Records To the Bedford County, VA Militia
Collection of all the Laws of Virginia 
1758 September Military Records To the Bedford County, Virginia Militia
1758 September Military Records To the Bedford County, Virginia Militia
Transcription of The Collection of all the Laws of Virginia See original above 
1759 Nov 28 Marriage Record Virginia, Richmond County, Warsaw
1759 Nov 28 Marriage Record Virginia, Richmond County, Warsaw
Groom: John Glascock
Bride: Mary Hendren
m. 28 Nov 1759 
1766-1767 Land Deeds Bedford County, Virginia Book C-3 Index by Ann Chilton obtained by David Vardiman from library in Paris, Kentucky
1766-1767 Land Deeds Bedford County, Virginia Book C-3 Index by Ann Chilton obtained by David Vardiman from library in Paris, Kentucky
Page 1 - Wm Vardeman in 1766 shown in Bedford County, VA as a neighbor to Henry Snow
Page 17 - Peter Vardeman Sr. in 1767 in Bedford County, VA deeded 255 acres to Thomas Snow

According to Jack Vardaman,
"This entry is very important as Peter's wife, Prudence, is specified as releasing
her dower rights to this property. This establishes that Peter Vardeman, son of
William, has a wife named Prudence at this time (1767). This is a very
important piece of evidence to support the identification of the Peter Vardeman
in Kentucky who had a wife Prudence and who left a will in Shelby Co., KY, in
1808, as the same Peter Vardeman, son of William, who was in Bedford
County, VA, in 1767."

Source: Court Order Book 3, p. 161, Bedford County, Virginia. Bedford
County Virginia Deed Book C – 3, 1992, Ann Chilton, p. 1 & p. 17 
1766-1872 Birth, Marriage, and Death Records Kentucky, Crab Orchard
1766-1872 Birth, Marriage, and Death Records Kentucky, Crab Orchard
Bible owned by Mrs. Dudley Holmes, Between Crab Orchard and Stanford,
Kentucky and Tombstone Inscriptions from Stephenson, Vardeman, and Holmes Burying Grounds on Cedar Creek near Crab Orchard, Kentucky (Record 20) Birth, Marriage, and Death Records mainly from 1766-1872 for Morgan Vardeman's family, son of John II Vardeman

Source: Genealogies of Kentucky Families, O-Y (Owens – Young), Pages
311-313, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. Baltimore, MD, 1981. 
1767 Land Deed Bedford County, VA
1767 Land Deed Bedford County, VA
285 acres sold for 50 pounds from Peter Vardeman to Thomas Snow.
Prudence listed as Peter Vardeman's wife giving up her dower rights.

Source: The Bedford County Historical Society copied it from the original Deed Book! 
1767 Military Records Captain Peter Vardeman in Bedford County, Virginia Militia
1767 Military Records Captain Peter Vardeman in Bedford County, Virginia Militia
Source: Kegley's Virginia Frontier, The Beginning of the Southwest, The Roanoke of Colonial Days, 1740-1783 
1773 April Marriage Record Cumberland County, Virginia
1773 April Marriage Record Cumberland County, Virginia
Groom: Silas Watkins
Bride: Phebe Watkins
Date: 26 April 1773
Place: Cumberland County, Virginia
Source: Ancestry - Virginia, U.S., Marriage Records, 1700-1850 for Silas Watkins 
1774 Military Record of William Vardeman
1774 Military Record of William Vardeman
Source: Soldiers of Fincastle County, Virginia 
1774 Military Record of William Vardeman
1774 Military Record of William Vardeman
Source: Fincastle County, Virginia Militia Roles, Capt. William Campbell's Company, Auditor's Accounts for Dunmore's War 
1775 September 27 Pittsylvania County Deed Book page 293
1775 September 27 Pittsylvania County Deed Book page 293
Officers nominated for the Pittsylvania County Militia: Peter Vardeman

Received from The Library of Virginia 
1775 September 27 Pittsylvania County Deed Book page 294
1775 September 27 Pittsylvania County Deed Book page 294
Officers nominated for the Pittsylvania County Militia: Peter Vardeman

Received from The Library of Virginia 
1780 Military Record Virginia
1780 Military Record Virginia
Peter Vardeman, Captain, Henry Militia 1780 in American Revolution

Source: Historical Register of Virginians in the Revolution on 

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