Corporal John Thomas Vardiman, 1838-1923          PreviousNext

6th Kentucky Regiment - Union Army 1861-1864


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Links to original sources:

Civil War Muster Roll

Remarkable March

Discharge Papers

Pension Papers


  • 6th Kentucky

  • Farming Career

  • Kennesaw Mountain, Georgia from Union Lines

    Discharge Papers

  • Surname Search

  • Jack Vardaman's Narrative

  • Vardeman Vs. Vardeman

  • Union Army

  • Confederate Army

  • Battle of Chickamauga, Georgia - Sept. 19-20, 1863

    Sign at Kelly's Field commemorating Battle of Chickamauga


    On 12 April 1861 the Civil War started.   John Thomas "Tom" was 23 years old at the time and volunteered as a Union soldier on 14 October 1861 and served as a Corporal in Company F, 6th Kentucky Volunteer Infantry.  His older brother, Jeremiah Judson, age 25, enlisted in the same regiment at the same time for three years.

    A year later, his two younger brothers, William, who was exactly four years younger than him to the day, age 20, and Benjamin, age 18,  enlisted in the 9th Kentucky Volunteer Cavalry Company F on August 12-13, 1862 for one year.

    Tom received a bullet wound according to his daughter, Bonnie's, biographical sketch written of him years later.  He was honorably discharged from the service on 31 December 1864 at the expiration of his term of service according to a copy of his discharge papers. He served eleven additional months of hospital service according to Bonnie's story.   According to Tom's discharge papers he was 5 feet 7 inches tall with a fair complexion, blue eyes and dark hair and was wounded in the foot and ankle.

    Compilation by Michelle Vardiman Fansler

    Copyright 2018